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Ivory Skin
My Ivory skin is far from thin. Not yellow enough to be viewed as Asian, Not white enough for American persuasion. I navigate the world as …
The Night of the Winter Solstice
It was 12/21/12 the day the Mayans predicted the world would end. I’d had night terrors before, but this one I still don’t comprehend. I met …
Ode to Working
To the fed up screamers day dreamers and Ponzi schemers If you sew a bustle build a trestle or run a hustle One day the work …
Who Am I
In 2014, at my SMI and COT hearing I expressed my dissent, The prevalence of people like me is less than point three percent. A stranger …
Things Marie Claire Should Have Taught Us
A sophomore in high school wearing Abecrombie and Fitch, Trying to suck in my stomach for photos just another inch. Shoulders back, head held high, Faking …
What if Cat’s Took Over the World
“Good morning Karen,” he said wickedly, sitting on her nightstand having been watching her sleep. “Mr. Bigs? You can talk?” Karen rubbed the sleep from her …
Why Dancing is the perfect Metaphor for Marriage
Throughout the years, my husband and I have been asked many times, “How do you have a successful marriage?” We met when I was still 17. …
Why everything you thought you knew was just a marketing ploy
We’ve all been there: scrolling through social media and falling victim to sponsored posts, only to regret our purchases when we receive our next credit card …